August 2005
Day 27 - 8/1
In Assyria, Dumuzi's statue displayed; the "Day He is caught"
This is a day of Nergal. One should make a Song-service to Nergal in preparation for the descent of the Moon into the
lower world who is crossing the River of Death, and this is also a day for a festival of the River-Goddess. This is an unlucky
day and a day of penance. This is the Day of the chase (hunt) of Nergal. One is not permitted to prostrate one self to Sin
and Shamash, but make offering to Anu and recite a penitential psalm, and clean your garments. One may not eat the flesh
of the ox.
Day 28 - 8/2
"Day of the Stall" (where Damuzi was captured by the Galas) in Assyria;
This is the day of Ea and the day of Nergal's rest after the chase. Also on this day is the Laying of the Wall of Bau.
The seer may speak no word. This day is unsuited for doing anything desirable. One should avoid going out into the street,
but one may approach a shrine. One may not prostrate himself to Sin and Shamash. One must bow down to his own God, but not
pray for himself. This is the day of the Ravishment of the Moon-God. This day is lucky. One may make offerings to Ea and Bau.
Day 29 - 8/3
Couch erected for Damuzi to lie in state (Assyria)
This is the day of Allatu, Latarik, Lulal and Buzur. This is the day of the Ravishment of the Moon-God. It is a day when
the spirits of heaven and earth are adored. This day is lucky. The seer may utter no word. This day is unsuited for work.
One should avoid going out into the road. It is the eclipse (time of mourning) of Sin and Shamash. One may not pray for himself,
but shall pray to Sin and Shamash. One may make offerings to Anu, Nergal, Nanaya, Sin and Bau. One may bring a wife into his
house during Sabattu.
Day 30 - 8/4
This is the day of Anu and Enlil. This day is lucky and sinister. This day has the same instructions for work, and going
into the street as day 29. One may not bow down to Sin and Shamash, nor pray to his God, nor pray for himself. One may give
offerings to Sin, Shamash, Anu and Enlil, This day is lucky except for Sabattu when it is unlucky. During Sabattu one must
bow down to Adad, and may not drink wine.
Abu (30 days)
Day 1 - 8/5/05
Abum Festival (observance for the dead)
This is the day of Anu, Mulissu, Sin, Nanna, Zuen, Nisaba, Belet Seri the younger, and Enlil. This is the day when the
New Moon appears, entirely lucky. One may sacrifice to Anu, Mulissu, Sin, Nanna, Zuen, and Nisaba, Belet Seri the younger,
Enlil, Shammash, Ninlil, Sin and Bau.
Day 2 - 8/6
This is the Day of Ninkashi, Ninghizhida, Ninazu and Nebo, good for works of Inanna and Ishtar. This day is lucky. One
may take oath, but not go to the law. One may sacrifice to any God or Goddess on this day.
Day 3 - 8/7
This is the day of Girra. This day is lucky. Fish and lovage are forbidden. One may sacrifice at night for Girra, Marduk,
and Sharpanitum.
Day 4 - 8/8
This is the Day of Namtar, Asarluhi, Nabu and Adad. Half of this day is lucky. One may sacrifice to Namtar, Asarluhi,
Nusku, Nabu, Adad, and Tashmitum by night.
Day 5 - 8/9
This is the day of Ningirsu, Marduk, Shalla, Ninsikilim, Gatamdug, Ishtar, Inanna, Killi-li, Shappash, Nanaya, Aya, Shamu,
and Nidaba. This is a lucky day. One may not go to law. One may sacrifice to Enlil, Ninlil, Assur (by night), Ningirsu, Marduk,
Shalla, Ninsikilim, Gatamdug, Ishtar, Inanna, Killi-li, Shappash, Nanaya, Aya, Shamu, and Nidaba.
Day 6 - 8/10
This is the day of Adad and Ninlil. Half the day is lucky. One may sacrifice to Adad, Ishkur, and Ninlil.
Day 7 - 8/11
This is the Day of Saltu, Nusku, Tashmitum, and Belet Sseri the elder. Ritual by night for Ea is good. This day is lucky
and sinister. The seer shall not prophesy Unsuited for doing anything desirable. One may not go to law. One may sacrifice
to Saltu, Nusku, Tashmitum, Belet Sseri, Marduk, Sharpanitum, and Ishtar.
Day 8 - 8/12
This is the day of Erra, Ninurta, Martu, and Belet Sseri the elder. This is a lucky day. One must pour water left and
right (to the west). One may sacrifice to Erra, Ninurta, Martu, Belet Sseri, Nebo and Tashmitum.
Day 9 - 8/13
This is the day of Sharpanitum, Adad and Gula. This day is lucky. It is difficult for the sick. Seer may not speak. This
day is unsuited for doing anything desirable. One may not go law. One may sacrifice to Sharpanitum, Adad Ninurta, Gula, Sin
and Shammash.
Day 10 - 8/14
This is the day of Adad, Ishkur, Ninib, Ninlil, Shakkan, Ningirsu, Asarluhi, Tammuz, Meslamta ea and Lugal Erra, Ghizhida,
and Enlil. This day is lucky. If an unmarried man has sex with a woman, God will seize him. One may not go to judgment or
to a seer. One may sacrifice to Adad, Ishkur, Ninib, Ninlil, Shakkan, Ningirsu, Asarluhi, Tammuz, Meslamta ea and Lugal Erra,
Ghizhida, and Enlil.
Day 11 - 8/15
Ne-IZI-gar, "Lighting the Braziers"
This is the day of Nisaba and Belet Seri the younger. This day is lucky. When the moon comes to the point when it bears
a crown of light there will be Gladness of heart. One may sacrifice to Nisaba and Belet Seri and the "Stations of Tashmitum
and Sharpanitum."
Day 12 - 8/16
This is the day of Nebo, and Ninazu. This day is lucky. One may sacrifice to any God or Goddess, offerings to Enlil and
Ninlil should be offerings of bread.
Day 13 - 8/17
This is the day of Arallu, Ningal, Gula, Sin, Nanshe and Bau. This is an unlucky day. One may take a wife to bring happiness
and defeat death. One may not be merry unless they are a child of the underworld powers. Offering may be made to Arallu, Ningal,
Gula, Sin, Nanshe and Bau Sin. One must worship Sin if they are a child of the Moon.
Day 14 - 8/18
Observances for Allatu and Nergal
This is the day of Shammash, Utu, Pabilsag, Damu, Ninlil and Nergal. This day is lucky and sinister. The prophet may not
prophesy. It is unsuited to do anything desirable. The Moon-God will not receive a man's confession of sins at once. One may
not say "accept my petition to a god." Sin and Shamash adore Anu on this day for the good of the world.
One may sacrifice to Shammash, Utu, Pabilsag, Damu, Ninlil and Nergal.
Day 15 - 8/19
This is the day of Nineanna (Inanna lady of the house of heaven), Ishtar, Shappash, Nanaya, Aya, Uttu, Sherida and Killi-li.
One may not take oath, nor transact business. One may not bow down to his God. This day is the day of the "Casting of
accounts" of Sin and Bau. This Day is lucky. One must make offering to Sin and Shamash if you are of their line. Sin
will not receive the confession of sins. One may not say "accept my petition." Make no sacrifice except to the Ishtar
line and the goddess Bau.
Day 16 - 8/20
This is the day of Marduk, Sharpanitum and Shub-ni-garash. This day is lucky. One may not mention the name of God (take
an oath). One may sacrifice to any God or Goddess except to make an oath, Shamash will be gracious in all that is asked of
him and one may acquire a wife.
Day 17 - 8/21
This is a festival day to banish poor luck. This is a lucky day. Sacrifices may be made to Sin, Gula, Ningal, Nabu, Tashmit
and Marduk. Ningal will intercede for one with Sin.
Day 18 - 8/22
This is the day of Girra. This is a lucky day. One will escape from ruin and humiliation. A hunter may not catch fish,
bird, or wild beast; for it is an abomination to Girra. One may sacrifice to Girra, Sin, Shammash, Bau, and Ninlil.
Day 19 - 8/23
Full moon: Ceremony containing plunging into a river, a mystery, and a ceremony for overcoming an adversary by placing
a pashu (small tablet) of unbaked clay, on which is written the accuser's name, in coriander and casting it into the river
This is the day of Ninurta, Ninki, Ninmah, Ninhursaga and Bau. This is the day of Wrath of Gula. This day is Lucky and
Sinister. This day is unsuited for doing anything desirable. Because of Bau one may not sweep his house nor wash his feet,
nor complete the construction of his house. The seer may not speak. One may make offerings to Ninurta, Ninki, Ninmah, Ninhursaga
and Bau.
Day 20 - 8/24
Day of Sorrow, not to cross river
This is the day of Shammash, Utu, Sherida, Bau, Ninlil and Pabilsag. This is a 'day of light,’ and the gift-day
of Sin and Shamash. The seer may not speak. One may sacrifice to Shammash, Utu, Sherida, Bau, Ninlil, Gula, Bunene and Pabilsag.
One may set forth bread to Shammash, Ninlil, and Bau.
Day 21 - 8/25
This is the day of Nebo, Asarluhi, Buzur, Isimud and Sagimu. This is the day of the Reckoning of Sin and Shamash. This
is a lucky day. The seer may not speak. This day is unsuited for doing anything desirable. One should abound in good deeds.
Because of Bau one may not sweep his house, nor wash his feet. One may make offerings to Nebo, Asarluhi, Buzur, Isimud and
Sagimu, Shammash and Bau.
Day 22 - 8/26
This is the day of Ninegal. This is the Day of Reckoning of Sin. This is a lucky day. One may sacrifice to Ninegal, Sin,
and Shammash. If a burnt offering is made to Enlil he will hear the pray and answer.
Day 23 - 8/27
This is the day of Shammash and Adad. This is a Lucky Day. One may sacrifice to any god or goddess.
Day 24 - 8/28
This day one is to take a sacred bath to be cleansed in spirit.
This is the day dedicated to Sin and Ninurta. This is the day of the festival of Enegal and Ninegal (Lord of the Palace
and the Mistress of the Palace). This is the day of the decrees of the Goddesses. This is a lucky day. One may make offerings
to Sin, Ninurta, Enegal and Ninegal.
Day 25 - 8/29
Festival of Nanshe, "Shining-Lady, and Nindara, "Shrine-Abundance"; Day of Grief when an image of a deceased
loved one is made, a prayer is said over it confessing the their sins;
This is the day of Ningal, and Nanshe, and the day of the procession of Enlil and Ninlil. One may sacrifice to Ningal
and Nanshe and one may make offerings by night to Enlil before the Plough Star and to the Ninlil and Bau before the Wagon
Star. This is a lucky day.
Day 26 - 8/30
Pouring out water to the souls of the dead, in a garden;
This is the day of Mulissu, Sharpanitum, Ea, Bau and Ninlil. Sin and Shamash will render their decision in everything
and he must make offerings to them in return. This is the day of the Brick of Ea and Bau. This is a lucky day. One should
recite a penitential psalm in the months of Arahsamna, and Sabattu. One may make offerings to Mulissu, Sharpanitum, Ea, Bau
and Ninlil, Sin and Shamash.
Day 27 - 8/31
This is a day of Nergal. One should make a Song-service to Nergal in preparation for the descent of the Moon into the
lower world who is crossing the River of Death, and this is also a day for a festival of the River-Goddess. This is an unlucky
day and a day of penance. This is the Day of the chase (hunt) of Nergal. One is not permitted to prostrate one self to Sin
and Shamash, but make offering to Anu and recite a penitential psalm, and clean your garments. One may not eat the flesh
of the ox.