Last updated on 7/30/2005, 11:42:08 PM
A kudurru that shows the signs of the gods |

note the horned crown of Anu on top left |
Blessings and welcome to the Anu Temple.
This web site and its companion MSN community are dedicated to the worship of the gods and goddesses of the Ancient Near
East. With so many traditions now available online, Anu is the most easily available scapegoat for every harebrained religious
scheme imaginable. For instance, a cult known as the "Nuwabians", whose leader claimed to be Anu incarnate, espoused
doctrines including teaching their children to leap into trash cans when a siren sounded so they would not be left behind
when the mother ship came to collect the enlightened ones. The Nuwabians believed that the Aliens would only collect "enlightened
beings" and metal objects, and since the children were not old enough to be enlightened, they should be collected via
magnetism. Zacharia Sitchin who has many followers, teaches that the Anunnaki (the Gods of A.N.E.) are alien overlords. There
is a Gnostic 'prophet' that claims Anu speaks to him through channeling, and that Anu has left the mortal universe, and is
working towards its destruction, though the followers of this "prophet" will be spared and pass on to a world of
their own creation. It seems that in our current era, it is easy to get lost in all the silliness or downright idiocy that
some of these traditions hold dear.
Despite the myriad groups that claim that they possess the truth and invest themselves in the most astonishing tripe,
there are some remarkable groups that have put an immense amount of effort into reconstructing the magical and religious traditions
of the A.N.E.. For instance, a fine scholar, who goes by the pseudonym "Lishtar" combines excellent scholarship
with a true faith in the Gods, creating a wonderful website. A fellow who goes by "Bel-Murru" has created an exhaustive
website focused on the traditional training of the Babylonian Magician. I can assure you that there were many broken hearts
among the enthusiasts of the Old Gods when such excellent sites as Twin Rivers Rising went belly-up.
This site, as well as its' companion community on MSN have been constructed in an attempt to pull together the many disparate
sources of information and belief available on the internet, and to act as a clearinghouse of information. It is our intent
to assemble an exhaustive collection of links to websites, materials, and references for the sole purpose of guiding the true
seeker to those sources that legitimately manifest the beliefs of the A.N.E..
By assembling scholarly sources, such as information on languages and archaeology we hope to close the gap between guesswork
and recorded fact in order to create a cohesive source for the reader's search for truth. We do not claim to possess the only
truth, and should the mother ship take up a geosynchronous orbit over a major city, please jump into the nearest dumpster
clutching your copy of Sitchin's works.
May Peace and Blessings, Light and Life proceed you throughout your days!